January 5, 2009





And that's East View NEW!! Floorball jersey.What word can possibly describe our jersey?.


Haha..What to do?!?.Did not have any say in the design.The Blue one looks OK buuuut there is the 'eagles' word that spoiled it.It kinda looks like a BaseBall Uniform.
But Oh My GODDDD.The Away jersey a.k.a The Walking Highlighter.
Walaaaaao!Sooo bright.I can go blind.Those who are blind can even SEE it.[bedek ah]
It looks like a Traffic police working the Night Shift.
I think if i were to use it and crossed the road at nite, the driver would be more tempted to run me over.

And i have to represent my school in this.I think ill be playing with a mask on.Should i?.
Today was a fun day in sch.At least for me anyway.It started at 8am and ended at 4pm.Dont ask me why i did not sleep.Trust me, I can fall a sleep any where.Hahaha..
Well that take care of this post.

