Well yesterday on the 16/1 my school held a CCA fair to help the Secondary 1 student decided on their CCA.This year i was an Eagle who could not shut up or sit still for a minute.Reason being i had two cans of REDBULL.That energy drink is some powerful stuff i really need to cut down on it.
Overall nothing special to it just had alot of people wanting to join Floorball/Hockey eager to be a part of the Eagles Family.Not sure of the picture that were taken, will ask around for some from the others.
After CCA went to eat at MacDonalds Afghan, there as usual with a couple of my Closest friends could not stop cracking up one another with stupid jokes.
I had a really fun time.
Credits goes to :
Preciate it.Need some time off.
Did i mention that someone commited suicide?
Well there was..jumped of the building.Mirul,Fit and Ni'mah saw it.Well saw there body i mean.
Thats bout it.
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